Today’s topics: The Protestant’ Dilemma Summary of today’s show: As a convert to the Catholic faith, Devin Rose knew what it was like to argue against Catholic beliefs from a Protestant perspective. To help others looking at the Catholic Church from that same perspective, Devin wrote the book “The Protestant’s Dilemmaâ€, which takes objections to […]
Tag Archives: papacy
Program #0480 for Monday, March 4, 2013: Cardinal Seán on the papacy of Benedict XVI and our next pope
March 4, 2013
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Summary of today’s show: As The Good Catholic Life is traveling to Rome to provide you with live coverage of the election of the new pope, we bring you Cardinal Seán O’Malley’s press conference on the resignation of Pope Benedict on February 13 and his homily for the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter […]
Program #0471 for Tuesday, February 19, 2013: Buzz about Cardinal Sean as papabile and the Sacrament of Confession
February 19, 2013
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Summary of today’s show: The media rumors are swirling about who’s in the running for the papacy and the speculation this past weekend swirled around Cardinal Seán in journalistic chatter around Rome. Scot Landry and Fr. Michael Harrington discuss the talk and the qualities that might make Cardinal Seán a consideration in the conclave. Then […]
May 30, 2014
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