Summary of today’s show: Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, and Gregory Tracy discussed the news headlines of the week, including the final proposal of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission to Cardinal Seán; CatholicTV’s new show “Aging Gracefully”; The lack of realization among Catholics that assisted suicide is on the ballot in November; How Marian devotion got […]
Tag Archives: Gregory Tracy
Program #0373 for Thursday, September 13, 2012: Pastoral Planning proposal; Aging Gracefully; Assisted suicide; Mary at Vatican II; Liberty Flagpole

Program #0368 for Thursday, September 6, 2012: Back to school; Barbara Thorp; assisted suicide; RNC and DNC; Bl. John XXIII seminary
September 6, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, and Gregory Tracy discussed the news headlines of the week, including the retirement of Barbara Thorp as head of the victim assistance office; students returning to school equipped with amazing new technology; a disability group’s advocacy against the assisted suicide ballot question; the Bl. John XXIII Seminary […]
Program #0358 for Thursday, August 23, 2012: Cardinal Dolan at the GOP convention; Mitt Romney on EWTN; Gone with the Wind in Atlanta; Carmelite serving the infirm
August 23, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: Our usual Thursday panel of Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, Fr. Roger Landry, and Gregory Tracy looked at the news headlines of the week, including Cardinal Timothy Dolan being asked to give the benediction at the Republican National Convention; Presidential candidate Mitt Romney agreeing to an interview with EWTN’s The World Over […]
Program #0353 for Thursday, August 16, 2012: Nellie Gray; Paul Ryan; Al Smith dinner; Knights; Bishop Malone
August 16, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: On our first live Thursday show in several weeks our panel of Scot Landry, Fr. Roger Landry, and Gregory Tracy look at the news headlines of the week, including the passing of pro-life icon Nellie Gray; the Republican Party’s pick of vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan who ensures that the next vice-president […]
Program #0339 for Thursday, July 12, 2012: Suicide on the ballot; Chinese bishop excommunicated; restoring tradition
July 12, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: Our usual Thursday panel of Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, Fr. Roger Landry, and Gregory Tracy looked at the news headlines of the week, including confirmation that assisted suicide will be on the ballot in Massachusetts in November; the excommunication of an illicitly ordained Chinese bishop; Cardinal Raymond Burke’s public comments on […]
Program #0334 for Thursday, July 5, 2012: Fortnight4Freedom ends; Healthcare lawsuits; Vatican news
July 5, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: Scot Landry, Gregory Tracy, and Fr. Roger Landry discuss the news headlines of the week, and despite the holiday and the Pilot being on hiatus, it’s been a busy week. This week the Fortnight for Freedom ended with a Mass in Washington, DC, in which Archbishop Charles Chaput gave a remarkable […]
Program #0329 for Thursday, June 28, 2012: Supreme Court ruling; Fortnight for Freedom town hall; Ordination Mass; Redemptoris Mater dinner; Catholic Appeal; Catholic Press Awards
June 28, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: On our Thursday show, Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, Gregory Tracy, and Fr. Roger Landry consider the new headlines of the week, including the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act; Cardinal Seán’s Fortnight for Freedom town hall; last Saturday’s ordination Mass; the Redemptoris Mater Seminary gala dinner honoring Rabbi David […]
Program #0324 for Thursday, June 21, 2012: Fortnight for Freedom; Changes at The Anchor; Choose Life license plates; Dot-Catholic
June 21, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: On our Thursday show, Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, Fr. Roger Landry, and Gregory Tracy considered the news headlines of the week, including the start of the Fortnight for Freedom; the end of Fr. Roger Landry’s tenure as editor of The Anchor; the deadline looming for Choose Life license plates; and the […]
Program #0315 for Thursday, June 7, 2012: Fortnight 4 Freedom; Renewal of marriage vows; Theological certificates; Priest assignments in Fall River; World Meeting of Families
June 7, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: On our Thursday show, Scot Landry, Fr. Roger Landry, and Gregory Tracy considered the news headlines of the week as they appear in The Pilot and The Anchor newspapers, including the upcoming Fortnight 4 Freedom, including a televised town hall with Cardinal Seán; A celebration of marriage anniversaries at Holy Cross […]
Program #0311 for Thursday, May 31, 2012: Special Pentecost Mass; Master of Arts in Ministry; Seeking Pastoral Planning Director; New Buffalo bishop; More pro-life; Vatileaks
May 31, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: Our panel of Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, Gregory Tracy, and Domenico Bettinelli looked at the headlines of the week on Thursday, including a special Pentecost vigil Mass with Cardinal Seán and members of ecclesial movements and ethnic communities; 10 new graduates of the Master of Arts in Ministry program at TINE; […]
September 13, 2012
Comments Off on Program #0373 for Thursday, September 13, 2012: Pastoral Planning proposal; Aging Gracefully; Assisted suicide; Mary at Vatican II; Liberty Flagpole