Tag Archives: Deacon Dan Burns

Program #0207E Best of TGCL for Friday, December 30, 2011: Deacon Dan Burns

December 30, 2011

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Listen to the show: Subscribe for free in iTunes All this week, The Good Catholic Life is bringing you some of our favorite shows from our first 200. We will return on January 3 with an all-new show for the new year. Today we bring you an encore presentation of Scot Landry’s interview with Deacon […]

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Program #0048 for Monday, May 16, 2011: Deacon Dan Burns

May 16, 2011


Listen to the show: Subscribe for free in iTunes Today’s host(s): Scot Landry Today’s guest(s): Deacon Dan Burns, director of Permanent Diaconate Formation for the Archdiocese of Boston Archdiocese of Boston’s Permanent Diaconate office BostonDiaconate.org Holy Family Parish, Duxbury Lumen Gentium, Vatican II, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church #29 What is a deacon? Pope Paul […]

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