Summary of today’s show: Hundreds of young Catholics gather in the North End each spring for the annual Eucharistic Congress for College Students and Young Adults, together in prayer, service, and public witness including a Eucharistic procession in the streets with Cardinal Seán. Scot Landry and Fr. Matt Williams previewed the Congress coming up on […]
Tag Archives: Damon Owens
Program #0276 for Wednesday, April 11, 2012: Damon Owens and the Theology of the Body
April 11, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: The Theology of the Body was the foundation of Pope John Paul II’s pontificate and an answer to the depersonalization and objectification of the human person in society in recent decades. Scot Landry and Fr. Matt Williams are joined by Damon Owens of the Theology of the Body Institute for an […]
April 18, 2012
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