Cardinals advise Pope; Pope renews Passport; Confession; Pope on Marriage; Bishop Deeley; Episcopal Vicar; Pilgrimages: Program #0671 for Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014

Recent Episodes


Today’s topics: Cardinals advise Pope; Pope renews Passport; Confession; Pope on Marriage; Bishop Deeley; Episcopal Vicar; Pilgrimages

Summary of today’s show: Our usual Thursday panel of Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, Gregory Tracy, and Fr. Roger Landry discussed the news headlines of the week, including recommendations from the Council of Cardinals to Pope Francis; the Pope renews his Argentine passport; Pope Francis talking about confession and addressing engaged couples; and the importance of pilgrimage.

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Today’s host(s): Scot Landry and Susan Abbott

Today’s guest(s): Gregory Tracy, managing editor of the Pilot, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Boston, and Fr. Roger Landry, pastor of St. Bernadette Parish in Fall River

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