Today’s topics: A Catechism for Business
Summary of today’s show: There can be a lot of pressure on Catholics to separate their business life from their private life. Meanwhile the Catholic Church has had a lot to say about the world of business and economics, not just on the macro level, but even on the level of advertising and human resources. Dr. Andrew Abela and his collaborators worked for seven years to put together a comprehensive resource on the Church’s teachings in this area, and he joins Scot Landry to discuss the book and what the Church teaches that is relevant to human nature, human work and labor, and how our work can sanctify us and the whole world. They also discuss some of the 114 questions that form the basis of the book and address a number of ethical questions that come up for those in the business world.
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Today’s host(s): Scot Landry
Today’s guest(s): Dr. Andrew Abela,
Links from today’s show:
- A Catechism for Business
- Legatus
- Catholic University of America
- CUA School of Business and Economics
- A Catechism for Business: Tough Ethical Questions and Insights from Catholic Teaching
- Centesimus Annus, Pope St. John Paul II
- Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict XVI
- Rerum Novarum, Pope St. Leo XIII
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, Second Vatican Council
- “Ethics in Advertising”, Pontifical Council for Social Communications
- “The Vocation of the Business Leader”, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
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