Catholic Motherhood: Program #0723 for Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9, 2014

Recent Episodes

Catholic motherhood

Catholic motherhood

Today’s topics: Catholic Motherhood

Summary of today’s show: With Mother’s Day just around the corner, Fr. Chip Hines and Dom Bettinelli welcome two Catholic moms, Danielle Bean and Pat Gohn, to discuss the joys and challenges of motherhood, whether for a big bunch of younger kids or watching them head off on their own. In addition to talking about the practical parts of being a mom, but also the spiritual foundations for growing in holiness through the vocation of motherhood.

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Today’s host(s): Fr. Chip Hines and Domenico Bettinelli

Today’s guest(s): Danielle Bean and Pat Gohn

Links from today’s show:

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  1. Recent Radio Moments about motherhood, spiritual mothering & the feminine genius - May 17, 2014

    […] I was on WQOM’s The Good Catholic Life, alongside the lovely Danielle Bean, a recent guest on Among Women,  and we were talking about […]