Summary of today’s show: This past Wednesday, the 2012 Celebration of the Priesthood dinner gathered 1,300 people to pay tribute to our priests and raise money for their continuing care through the Clergy Funds. Scot Landry and Fr. Mark O’Connell are joined by Fr. Bryan Parrish to discuss the dinner and especially an inspirational video […]
Archive | September, 2012
Program #0384 for Friday, September 28, 2012: 2012 Celebration of the Priesthood

Now Watch The Good Catholic Life every day too
September 28, 2012
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The Good Catholic Life is now available each weekday* in a live video stream at Now you can watch the show on your computer or through your smartphone or tablet device and, best of all, chat with the hosts and guests, ask questions, and get live links and updates to the topics as they […]
Program #0383 for Thursday, September 27, 2012: New seminary rector; New permanent deacons; Mother Teresa; Suicide is Always a Tragedy
September 27, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, Fr. Roger Landry, and Gregory Tracy discussed the news headlines of the week, including the installation of the new rector for St. John Seminary; the ordination of 10 men as permanent deacons, including the first from the Brazilian community; insight from Mother Teresa’s close friend; Cardinal Seán’s […]
Program #0382 for Wednesday, September 26, 2012: Respect Life Sunday and Month
September 26, 2012
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Summary of today’s show: October is traditionally Respect Life Month and the first Sunday is Respect Life Sunday. That has a special meaning this year as Massachusetts voters prepare to go to the polls and vote on a ballot question that would legalize physician-assisted suicide. Scot Landry and Fr. Matt Williams talk with Janet Benestad […]
Program #0381 for Tuesday, September 25, 2012: Pope Benedict’s Letter for the Year of Faith “Porta Fidei”
September 25, 2012

Summary of today’s show: The Year of Faith will begin on October 11 and in declaring that time for a special consideration of the New Evangelization, Pope Benedict issued a special explanatory letter called “Porta Fidei” (The Door of Faith). Scot Landry, Fr. Chris O’Connor, and Michael Lavigne consider the Pope’s letter and examine just […]
Program #0379 for Friday, September 21, 2012: The Catholic Lawyer’s Guild and 2012 Red Mass
September 21, 2012
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Summary of Today’s Show: Scot Landry and Father Mark examine lawyers, the role of Catholicism and civil law, and this weekend’s Gospel and 1st reading with Michael Kerrigan and Paul McNamara of the Catholic Laywer’s Guild. Listen to the show: Subscribe for free in iTunes Watch a video of today’s show: Visit to Watch […]
Program #0378 for Thursday, September 20, 2012: Diaconate ordination, better ways to care for the dying, BC celebrates 150 years, the Pope abroad
September 20, 2012
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Summary of Today’s Show: Scot Landry, Susan Abbott , and Gregory Tracy discuss local, national, and international Catholic news. Listen to the show: Subscribe for free in iTunes Watch a video of today’s show: Visit to Watch Links from today’s show: Vatican firmly condemns US deaths Pope Benedict’s message in Lebanon 1st segment: Scot […]
Program #0377 for Wednesday, September 19th, 2012: The Catholic Daughters of the Americas
September 19, 2012
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Summary of Today’s Show: Scot and Father Matt are joined by Connie and Patricia from the Massachusetts Court of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Since their founding in 1903, the Catholic Daughters have supported troops, popes, the poor, the infirm, the retired, and their fellow sisters in local, state and national chapters. Listen in […]
Program #0376 for Tuesday, September 18, 2012: Celebration of the Priesthood Dinner
September 18, 2012
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Summary of Today’s show: Ann Carter, Joe D’Arrigo, and Fr Michael Medas describe the Celebration of the Priesthood Dinner with Scot and Fr Chris, highlighting this important event where the people of the Archdiocese can say thank you to our clergy. Listen to the show: Subscribe for free in iTunes Today’s host(s): Scot Landry and […]
Program #0375 for Monday, September 17, 2012: WQOM’s New Dynamic Duo
September 17, 2012
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Summary of Today’s Show: Scot discusses the future hopes and dreams of WQOM with new General Manager Christopher Kelley and Director of the Advisory Board Andreas Widmer. Listen to the show: Subscribe for free in iTunes Watch today’s show on BostonCatholicLive Today’s host(s): Scot Landry Today’s guest(s): Christopher Kelley, General Manager of WQOM; Andreas Widmer, […]
September 28, 2012
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